1, We could imagine this real scenario, in about 15 years, the generation born after the One-Child policy will start to engage in economical and political stage, also in the elite class. There are a few characteristics of people in this group. First, in a continuously exclusive system, for those who belong to the power class, generally speaking, the One-Child generation never really suffered much bitterness and don’t have any strong social responsibility. Second, they grew up in loneliness, though in the elite class, they don’t have good communication skills or don’t know much about the spirit of cooperation. Third, the education they received is profoundly contradictory.
1, 我们可以设想这样一个真实情景:再过15年左右,独生子女一代开始走上经济政治等各方面的舞台,精英阶层也不例外。这个群体具有几个主要特点。第一,在一个不断呈现排他性的制度体系下,那些属于权势阶层的后代,普遍而言,独生子女既没有受过多少苦,也没有很强的社会责任心。第二,他们在孤独中成长,身处精英阶层,却没有很好的沟通和合作精神。第三,他们所受的教育是一种具有深刻矛盾的教育。
2, The prospect and consequences of social disorder is utterly clear. Most importantly we need to realize that we must avoid the vicious trap of traditional revolution and revolt. No matter it is revolution or revolt, let alone the countless number of death and huge destruction of productivity, the most important is that they are not a way out for Chinese society. They are simply reproduction of the social system.
3, In China, gradual change is the real change, radical change, particularly revolution may not lead to any change, because radical change generally leads to simple repetition.
3, 在我国,渐进的变化是真正的变化,而激进的变化尤其是革命可能是没有任何变化,因为激进的变化往往促成历史的简单重复。
4, In the past few years, there are two groups of people who have been emigrating overseas. One is the very educated group, the other is the wealthy group. For many years the government has set up many appealing programs to attract talents, but there is still a forceful trend of brain drain. In the age of globalization, the fluidility of this intelligent group is increasingly apparent.
4, 这些年来,社会有两个群体在努力移民海外,一个是高端知识群体,一个是财富群体。很多年里,国家制定了很多吸引人才回国的项目,但高端知识群体的流失仍然是个大趋势。在全球化时代,这个知识群体的流动性越来越大。
5, No matter previous government officials or entrepreneurs, in a new society, they are basically just a lone group of high-end consumers. They have money to consume, but don’t have the capability to set up organic connections with mainstream society.
5, 无论官员还是企业家,在一个新的社会,基本上只是一个孤立的高消费群体,他们有钱来消费,但没有能力和主流社会建立有机的联系。
Wang Junxiu: Director and Researcher of the Social Psychology Office of China Academy of Social Sciences
1, From the survey we have found out that compare to 2010, the general trust level in 2014 has changed to generally trusting, from negative - not trusting. Those who choose mistrust very much has reduced 1.2 percent compared to 2010.
1, 通过调查我们发现,与2010年相比,2014年人们的社会总体信任水平从负性判断回归到一般信任,选择非常不信任的人群,比2010年调查减少了1.2个百分点。
2, There is a general expansion of the dimension of mistrusted groups. Only fewer than half of the people believe that most of the people in society are worth trusting and don’t need to be cautious of. If that person is a stranger, the ratio of trust is less, which is only 20 to 30%. The mis-trust of the majority of people make people live in constant caution and insecurity. And this kind of mutual distrust is gradually consolidating and becoming our social character. In the long term it is going to form a general culture of mistrust.
2, 人际不信任的扩大化。只有不到一半的人认为社会上大多数人可信,不需要小心提防,但如果这个人是陌生人,信任的比例更少到只有2到3成。对多数人的不信任使得每个人都生活在谨慎和不安的相互提防中,这种相互的不信任正逐渐固化为我们的社会性格,长久下去将会形成一种不信任文化。
3, There is also an increasing distrust among different groups. There is distrust between officials and laypeople, police and laypeople, doctors and patients, consumers and entrepreneurs. There is also distrust among different social classes.
3, 群体间的不信任加深和固化。表现为官民之间、警民之间、医患之间、民商之间等许多主要社会关系之间的不信任,也表现在不同阶层群体之间的不信任。
4, There is increasing friction and conflicts. Social distrust has become the foundation for many social events. Class awareness has become the core of social mentality and social behavior. Everyone cares about their position in this society. They care which class they belong to in this society, and everyone has the aspiration to upward mobility.
5, Also, the general tone of social emotion is positive, but there is also alarming negative emotion that is not good for individual health or social harmony.
5, 第一,社会情绪总体的基调是正向为主,但一些不利于个人健康和社会和谐的负向情绪基调不容乐观。
6, The tipping point of negative emotion is very low, and emotions are strong and clearly directed. We could see from many expression of negative social emotions, that there is very strong reactions in big social events.
6, 第二,负向情绪的引爆点降低,爆发激烈,指向性明确。我们也可以看到许多负向社会情绪的表现,在影响比较大的社会事件中都有激烈的情绪反应,
7, Another new characteristic of social value is that there is an increased awareness of people’s rights. From the analysis of social opinions and group events, we could see that the most popular cause of social events is to fight for their rights. Those who fight for their rights are from all kinds of major groups.
8, The multi-dimensional values in society in a certain sense is because people of different social classes, cultural background and living conditions have different interests, different needs and different knowledge structure, as well as different source of information and different influence from their social environment, which is normal. And it is also a natural consequence of social transition from the previous single value system. However, there is another striking problem behind this multi-dimensional value system, which is a lack of shared value. Take the example of people’s view on rights, everyone has their different understanding of rights. Some people look at rights from their own personal perspective and don’t consider other people’s rights. The cross of personal rights and public rights has stirred up many disturbance and conflicts.
8, 社会价值观多元一定意义上源于不同社会阶层、不同文化背景、不同生活环境下人们的不同利益、不同需求、不同的知识体系、不同信息接触和周围社会环境的影响,这是正常的,也是社会转型中过去单一价值体系解体后的必然结果。但这种价值观念多元背后也存在着另一个突出问题,就是共享价值观念缺乏。以如何看待权利为例,每个人对权利都有不同的理解,许多人更多从自身角度去看待权利,而不考虑他人的权利。个人权利的越界,公权力的越界引发了许许多多的纠纷和冲突。
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