1, At the recently finished Central United Front Work Conference, Xi Jinping said that we should unite the younger generation to have them provide support for realizing the “Chinese Dream”. It was also the first time he mentioned “strengthening and uniting representatives in new media”.
1, 中共最高领导人习近平在刚刚结束的中央统战工作会议中表示,需要团结年轻一代为实现“中国梦”提供广泛力量支持,其中还第一次提到要加强团结“新媒体中的代表性人士”。
2, Xi Jinping said we need to consolidate and develop “the widest united patriotic front”, including “strengthening and upgrading the work of representatives in new media”. He also said that they should “present positive energy while purifying the online space, and advocating mainstream ideology”.
2, 中国官方新华社报道,在周三(5月20日)的中央统战工作会议发表讲话时,同时担任中共党中央总书记和中国国家主席的习近平表示要巩固发展“最广泛的爱国统一战线”,其中包括“要加强和改善新媒体中的代表性人士的工作”,以“净化网络空间、弘扬主旋律等方面展现正能量”。
1, According to Xinhua, Xi Jinping said that “we need to strengthen and better the work of representatives in new media. We need to set up regular contact channels to strengthen online and offline communication, so that they could “present positive energy while purifying the online space, and advocating mainstream ideology”.
1, 根据新华社通稿,习近平说,“要加强和改善对新媒体中的代表性人士的工作,建立经常性联系渠道,加强线上互动、线下沟通,让他们在净化网络空间、弘扬主旋律等方面展现正能量。”
2, From March 24 to April 3, the CCP’s Central United Front’s Central Socialism Institute held the 12th Theory Research Workshop of the elite social class. 55 members participated and people who are active in the Internet business became main participants in this workshop.
2, 2015年3月24日至4月3日,中共中央统战部在中央社会主义学院举办了第12期新的社会阶层人士理论研究班,55位学员参加,互联网人士成为此次培训的作为主要对象。
3, Almost ⅓ of the 55 members are from the Internet and new media industry, including one of the previous major directors at Sina Weibo, current deputy director of Xiaomi Technology Chen Tong, CEO of “Toutiao” social network Zhang Yiming, Deputy Chairman of Baidu Zhu Guang; CEO of online video website Aiqiyi Gong Yu, deputy director Ms. Chen Danqing of Yoku Video Group, deputy director Ma Na of Tianya Social Network. There are also popular Internet icon Deng Fei and Ouyang Houzeng, Committee Member of the CPPCC in Wenzhou.
4, These members expressed their devotion to the current political system.
Some alarming statistics published by a magazine in HK, here are some quotes:
1, China’s population is 1.34 billion. There are 178 million people who are older than 60 years old, which constitute 13.26% of the population. Half of them don’t have children around them and their biggest problem is loneliness. There are 300 million unemployed people, 200 million on migration. There are 180 million single people. 58 million children are left behind in the countryside because their parents are at work in cities. 97% of the citizens don’t have adequate scientific qualities.
1, 中国人口13.4亿,60岁以上1.78亿占13.26%,其中一半无子女空巢,最大问题是心灵孤独。中国3亿人失业,2亿人口流动,单身1.8亿,5800万农村留守儿童生存状况堪忧,97%公民不具科学素养。
2, In 2011 everyone in China is anxious. Chinese people’s average annual income ranks 159th in the world; 71% of people live in great hardship; 65% of aging parents still take care of their adult children; 74% of people born after 1980s feel pressure taking care of their parents. 94.5% don’t feel safe of their food quality. 99.6% think there is less and less genuine friendship. 75.5% think it is very rare to have true friendship.
2, 2011年中国进入全民焦虑时期。房价物价飞涨、医疗费用高、养老保险成百姓忧虑之源,中国人年收入全球排名第159位,71%的人生活艰难,65%以上家庭老养小,74%的80后照顾父母力不从心,94.5%的人认为食品没有安全感。99.6%的人认为纯友谊越来越少,75.5%认为鲜有君子之交。
3, Chinese government’s income has increased 985 times, but its people’s income has increased only 19 times (didn’t say since when). Each year the casualty of abnormal death in China exceeds 3.2 million. Every year about 1 million children die before 5 years old.
3, 中国政府收入增长了985倍,而百姓收入只增长了19倍。
From 1970 to 2010, the number of students enrolled in higher education globally rose by 500 percent, to 178 million from 29 million. Nowhere was this growth faster than in China. While in the U.S. the number increased 140 percent, in China, it rose almost 30,000 percent, and the country more than doubled its number of colleges. Of global total enrollment, China’s share expanded from nothing to 17 percent. For comparison, India’s share rose from 9 percent to 12 percent during the same period.
These relationships also extend to research. China has become the top international collaborator for U.S. researchers. And by 2012, almost half of Chinese collaborations abroad were with Americans, Freeman and Huang have found.
Law professor Zhang Qianfan of Peking University Law School published a very critical review on the charges of Xu Zhiyong on FT Chinese.
1, The charges (on Xu Zhiying’s crime) are very simple and vague. Most of the evidence was based on some weibo messages Xu had posted in the past few years. Therefore this is a typical conviction of speech.
1, 起诉书对被告的“犯罪”事实简单罗列、语焉不详,全部定罪证据就是被告过去几年发表的若干微博,因而是典型的以言定罪。
2, This action not only violates the defendant's freedom of speech, which is supposed to be protected by the Constitution on Article 35, but it also represents that the police and the procuratorate lack basic respect of people’s freedom. During the execution of their public power they are very restless. In an anarchist state, individuals could protect themselves on their own, but if the controllers of national machine reach their own agenda through threatening the freedom of its people, then this country is actually a tool for the ruler to enslave its people. It is the same in nature as mafia’s kidnapping and robbery.
2, 这种做法不仅涉嫌侵犯被告受宪法第35条保护的言论自由,而且体现了公安与检察对于公民的基本人身自由缺乏敬畏,而在行使剥夺这一自由的公权力过程中显得过于轻率。
3, Rule of law not only relies on the self-control of the country, but it also needs the supervision from the society, particularly from lawyers. Pu Zhiqiang is sued by the public power as a lawyer this time - it is not an auspicious signal for China’s rule of law.
3, 依法治国不仅要依靠政府的自觉,更离不开社会的监督,尤其是律师的作用,而此次作为律师的浦志强却因为言论而受到公权力起诉,对于中国法治而言是一个不祥的信号。
4, Over the past three decades, Chinese lawyers have become important backbones on promoting China’s rule of law. Actually Pu Zhiqiang himself as a lawyer had contributed a lot on getting rid of China’s education through labor system. If lawyers’ basic rights and security can’t be protected and the police could exploit lawyers’ freedom on unjustified charges, China’s rule of law will undoudtedly go through serious setback.
4, 改革三十多年来,中国律师已经成长为推动法治的中坚力量。事实上,浦志强律师本人即通过个案为废除劳教等制度进步立过汗马功劳。如果律师的基本权利和人身安全得不到保障,警察可以因为言论等莫须有的罪名而剥夺维权律师的人身自由,中国法治无疑将发生严重倒退。
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