Friday, February 20, 2015

News and commentaries, 15-02-20

Jiang Hui 姜辉 is the head of Institute of Information Studies at China Academy of Social Sciences

1, The mainstream ideology of our country is the centralized reflection and spiritual flag of our economic and political situations. It is suitable for new changes, new conditions and new phases of social development. With its strong guidance, cohesiveness and influence, it promotes social reform and development. It also maintains social stability.
1, 我国的主流意识形态是经济政治状况的集中反映和精神旗帜,它适应于社会发展的新变化、新情况、新阶段,并通过其强大的引导力、凝聚力和影响力,促进社会变革,推动社会发展,维系社会稳定。

2, (Under the new leadership or Chairman Xi Jinping) There is upgraded status and increased influence of mainstream ideology. And there are some new characteristics. They are: A: there is increased credibility and recognition of mainstream ideology.

3, B: There is increased guidance and control of mainstream ideology. Because of the successful development of the socialist path with Chinese characteristics, as well as many impressive miracles created in China due to this path, there is decreased influence of non-mainstream ideologies, which have been battling with mainstream ideology, like neo-liberalism, social democracy, universal values, Western constitutional theory and historical nihilism. Theories of “China is collapsing”, “China is failing”, “China is a threat” and “China is a monopoly” have been popular, but with China’s friendly, peaceful and win-win diplomatic policies, these theories are not very convincing.
3, 二是主流意识形态的引导力和掌控力增强了。中国特色社会主义道路的成功开拓,创造的一个个举世瞩目的中国奇迹,使得国内多年来与主流意识形态挑战争锋的新自由主义、社会民主主义、普世价值论、西方宪政论、历史虚无主义等非主流意识形态影响力下降;国际上的“中国崩溃论”、“中国失败论”等渐趋式微,而“中国威胁论”、“中国争霸论”尽管有所抬头,但由于中国推行和平共赢的外交政策,这些论调也难以赢得多数人认同。

4, C: Mainstream ideology has become more open and tolerant. It fully represents the great confidence and strong resiliency of mainstream ideology.
4, 三是主流意识形态的开放性和包容性拓展了.. 充分展现了主流意识形态的博大自信和蓬勃生命力

5, There are also new characteristics and trends of non-mainstream ideologies. They continue to challenge mainstream ideology with different contents and styles. Their characteristics are: First: Their political appeals and values have become more obvious and public, particularly on the subjects related to overall reform path and directions, rule of law, and the relations of the Party’s leadership. They have started to have strong voices in these fields. Second: There are many jointed confluence among different kinds of non-mainstream ideologies. They set up some topics that attract people’s attentions or stimulate their emotions, and create some “ideological group incidents”; Third, Non-mainstream ideologies increasingly use platforms like academic discussions and policy debates. Some so-called “public intellectuals” have become the main broadcasters, initiators and speakers.
5, 非主流意识形态也呈现出新的特点和态势,继续以变化了的内容和方式持续挑战主流意识形态。主要体现在:一是政治诉求和价值取向趋于显性化、公开化,比如在关于全面深化改革的路径与方向、依法治国与党的领导的关系等的重大决策中,都发出异于主流的较强的声音;二是多种非主流意识形态汇集合流,设置某个或数个易引起人们关注和激发情绪的话题,制造“意识形态群体性事件”;三是非主流意识形态越来越多地借助学术讨论、政策辩论平台,一些所谓“公共知识分子”成为其主要传播者、鼓动者、建言者。

6, C: Mainstream ideology needs to continue increasing its self-confidence. First we need to actively promote the creativity of the Party’s leadership and continue to enrich and develop Marxist theories’ application in China. Second, we need to take more initiatives and increase our leadership so as to strengthen our manipulation and integration of non-mainstream ideologies. Third, we need to continue showcasing our confidence in theories, to actively promote the power of discourse, and develop the structure of discourse. Fourth, we need to be inclusive and tolerant enough to encourage more openness and tolerance of mainstream ideology.

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