Wednesday, February 4, 2015

News and Commentaries, Feb.4, 2015

How to be a Chinese Democrat, an interview with Chinese Intellectual Liu Yu by Ian Johnson

Qiushi Magazine criticizes He Weifang on its website, the public criticizes Yuan Guiren

(I find this article very interesting, it depicts a good picture of debates among intellectuals)

1, An article on Qiushi (Seeking Truth from Facts) website titled What are the Difficulties in Propaganda Education in Universities invoked lots of debates because it criticized Chen Danqing (previous professor of Arts in Qsinghua University, a prolific writer - resigned several years ago, very liberal) and He Weifang (very liberal professor of law at Beida, they are both very respected intellectuals). The leftist believes "the propaganda institutions and Ministry of education and their employers who stead forwardly follow the rules of the constitution could righteously guard socialism ideology and maintain the socialist political system". The rightist argue that official media organization's blunt criticism on public intellectuals is a sign of another full blown of Cultural Revolution. It signifies the trend of tightening freedom of speech. Also media organizations like the Global Times also seem to ease the situation by saying that Qiushi criticizing He Weifang should not be compared as the other anti-rightist revolution. It seems the whole scene is very chaotic and complicated. 
1, 求是网一篇《高校宣传思想工作难在哪里?》,因为点名陈丹青、贺卫方引发舆论混战,左派认为“坚持社会主义宪法原则的教育部和宣传机构及其人员,可以理直气壮的坚守社会主义意识形态,维护社会主义政治制度。”右派则称“官媒点名批评公知,‘这是文革欲来风满楼’,是要收紧舆论的政治风向”,还有诸如《环球时报》等媒体摆出劝架的立场称“求是网点名贺卫方不能等同反右重演”......一时间颇有“一时混战四十万,天昏地黑睢水湄”的混乱感。
........ 2, However, this article was evocative because it criticized the leaders of Western values' advocators: professor He Weifang from Beida and previous professor Chen Danqing from Tsinghua. In Xu Lan's article in Qiushi, she mentioned that He Weifang mentioned too much of the rule of constitution in his Webio, and Chen Danqing wrote an article in his Wechat public account titled Don't go to the United States! It is a Stupid and Backward Country, but its content was to over-beautify the United States. Its leading influence is obvious. The Global Times published an editorial titled Is Qiushi Website's criticism on Chen Danqing and He Weifang a Signal? . It claims this is different from anti-rightist movement and public intellectuals do not need to worry. 
2, 但是,因为这篇文章点名批评了宣扬西方价值观的“带头人”北大教授贺卫方和前清华教授陈丹青,在 “舆论场”引起波澜。徐岚的文章称“贺卫方在微博中大谈宪政,陈丹青在其微信公众帐号以《大家别去美国!一个愚蠢而落后的国家》为题,内容却是对美国的过度美化,诱导效果可见一斑。”不过这篇文章在网络上引发争议的焦点并不在于文章的主题,而是作为官方媒体的求是网对个人的点名批评引发的各方猜测。左派据此强调 “党媒点名贺卫方、陈丹青”。自由派认为是反右、文革重演。半官方媒体《环球时报》则专门发表社评《求是网点名陈丹青、贺卫方是“信号”吗》和稀泥,认为求是网点名贺卫方不能等同反右重演,公知们无需紧张。

(Xue's note: following yesterday's observation on the Website of Central Commission of Discipline and Inspection, Qiushi Magazine's website is also very attractive and well-organized. They do seem to have become much more sophisticated at ideology education)

Six "Study Columns" have become "Super Stars" on the Internet
1, In the process of further studying and interpreting General Xi's speeches six "study" Wechat public accounts have emerged on the Internet. They are Study Country, Study Group, Study Proceeds, etc and they have become "super stars" who are loved by many fans.
1, 在深入学习、解读习近平总书记系列讲话和重要活动中,涌现出《学习大国》、《学习小组》、《学习进行时》等六个“学习”微信公众号和网上专栏,成为诸多粉丝追捧的“明星”。

2, These six Study columns are Study Country, Study Group, Study Army, Study Proceeds, Study Journey and Study Methodology.
《学习大国》  《学习小组》《学习大军》《学习进行时》《学习路上》《学习有方》

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