Friday, March 13, 2015

News and commentaries, 15-03-13

1, There are a few articles in the latest issue of Yan Huang Chun Qiu that commemorated Zhao Ziyang, including the cover article Deng Xiaoping and His Speech on May 13, the Formation and Procedure of Development Strategies in Coastal Cities and a 10,000 words article written by a professional from the newsroom of Hu Yaobang’s Funeral Office. There were also many old pictures of Zhao Ziyang.
2, Yan Huang Chun Qiu was founded in 1991 and it is a general monthly magazine based on historical contents. In the past few years, as an avant-garde reformist magazine, it has built a solid ground on its critical rendition of history. And it is very popular among readers. The most striking characteristic of this magazine is that it always advocates political reform and it is courageous to challenge sensitive issues. It also explicitly advocates freedom of speech.

3, In terms of such bold stance, some scholars think that it is because this magazine is independent. It is a private magazine and has never received any political subsidies or large volume of subscription from the Communist Party or the government. Its capital is from subscription of ordinary readers. Financial independence is a good shield and it could resist some editorial and personnel pressure from the government.
3, 对于《炎黄春秋》为何能保持如此大胆的姿态,有学者指出,首先在于杂志社的独立性。《炎黄春秋》杂志社是一家民间出版社,从未获得过中国共产党和政府的财政补助或批量订购,资金来自于普通读者的订阅。以财政方面的独立性作为盾牌,杂志社就能在编辑方针和人事方面抵抗来自政府的压力。

4, Besides, main people in the magazine are very resourceful. The director Du Dao used to be the director of China News     Press in the 1980s. Deputy director Yang Jisheng used to be a senior journalist from Xinhua News Agency. The editor is famous historian Wu Si. The experienced reformist consultant of the magazine Li Rui used to be Mao Zedong’s secretary.

The writer of this article is Xiao Shu 笑蜀 (real name is Chen Min). He used to be the editorial commentator at Southern Weekly. He is a very respected journalist. He is one of the major contributors of the New Citizen’s Movement.

According to Wikipedia, his two books Voice of History and Truth of Liu Wencai were published in 1999 and banned right away. He was the executive editor of China Reform Magazine from 2002 to 2005 --  a very good, reformist magazine. He joined Southern Weekly in 2005 and was “fired” in 2011. On September 11, 2012, his Sina Weibo account was deleted by the government.

1, I have seen a document online reporting the currently popular Wang Weiguang, director of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. The content of the report is that the authorization of his position was forged.
1, 网上看到一份举报材料, 举报物件即为当下红极一时的社科院院长王伟光,内容是其职称评定造假作弊。
2, This kind of story in Chinese Academy of Social Sciences is not rare. For example, when Bo Xilai was chairing Chongqing, many senior leaders from CASS including Li Shenming, Zhu Jiamu and Wang Weiguang all fled out to Chongqing to try to please Bo Xilai. Bo’s so-called “Chongqing Practice of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics” series research was spearheaded by the then deputy director of CASS Wang Weiguang. It was No.1 research project among 12 projects. From June 23-25, 2011, Wang Weiguang brought directors from different academic institutes and many scholars to Chongqing and held “Communal Wealth and Socialist Theories of Chinese Characteristics” seminar. Wang organized the seminar together with Bo Xilai. The theme of the seminar was actually to add color for the “Chongqing Model”.
2,此类故事,社科院并非孤例。比如,薄熙来主政重庆期间,李慎明、朱佳木包括王伟光本人等社科院高层几乎倾巢而出,争相到重庆给薄熙来交投名状。薄熙来所谓“中国特色社会主义在重庆的实践”系列研究,时任社科院常务副院长的王伟光是领衔专家,在12个课题中排名第一。2011年6月23日至25日,王伟光更亲自带队,率各所所长和众多学者奔赴重庆,跟薄熙来共同主办所谓“共同富裕与中国特色社会主义理论研讨会”。会议主题即为所谓 “重庆模式”涂脂抹粉。

3, There are stories in the academia saying that some leader gave 40 million Yuan to support Chongqing, and some professor from Tsinghua also bought villas in Chongqing with very low prices. As the leader of these research projects, and also as the person in the highest administrative position, Wang Weiguang must have got lots of fund from these research projects. All these research projects are funded by the government, which means by tax payers’ money. Actually it is already proven that what Wang Weiguang and his colleagues have produced with this huge amount of money is not only garbage, but also poison. It was the typical trade between power and money and academic corruption.
3, 坊间有称学界某领导拿了四千万课题费为重庆坐台,清华某教授拿了课题费还低价买了重庆别墅。王伟光作为头号课题的牵头人,薄氏智囊团领袖,行政级别也远比他们高,所得课题费一定只多不少。这些所谓课题费无一不出自公共财政,即都是纳税人的钱;而且事实已经证明,王伟光等人拿这些课题费炮制出来的不仅是垃圾,更是毒品,属於典型的权钱交易、学术腐败。

4, Utopia and CASS that’s governed by Wang Weiguang and Li Shenming have become intimate political alliances. In another word, Wang Weiguang and Li Shenming are actually Zhang Hongliang (main contributor at Utopia) within the system. They have made  CASS a big camp of extreme leftism, which is drastically different from the Party School that has maintained its political openness, diversity and tolerance.
4, 乌有之乡与王伟光、李慎明治下的社科院,已经结成政治上的亲密盟友。或者换句话说,王伟光、李慎明其实就是体制内的张宏良,他们把社科院办成了体制内的乌有之乡,办成了体制内的极左大本营,而跟仍然保持着思想上的开放性、多元性、包容性的中央党校,形成鲜明对比。

5, CASS is funded by taxpayers and it is a public institution. CASS should only serve taxpayers and for public interests. However, reality has shown that CASS has become a private instrument for Wang Weiguang and Li Shenming to serve their political agendas. This is the abduction of taxpayers and it is a betrayal of public interests.
5, 社科院是纳税人养的,是社会公器,社科院只能服务于纳税人,只能服务於最大化的公共利益。但事实证明社科院已经蜕变成了王伟光、李慎明的私器,仅仅服务於他们的个人政治目的。这是对纳税人最大的绑架,对公共利益最大的背叛。

China’s New Workers, Culture and Fate, a new book published by sociologist LV Tu, 吕途, who is reportedly based in the Netherlands, where she completed her MA and PhD in Sociology.  

This is the sister book of China’s New Workers, Lost and Rise published in the beginning of 2013. Professor Wang Hui wrote a very academic prelude for this book.

1,(Editor’s note) There are four parts in this book: Our Work, Our Life, Be What Kind of Person, and Cultural Practice of New Workers. There are 16 chapters in this book and they are consisted of life stories of 13 workers, as well as the writers’ work experiences in a Taiwan-owned and Germany-owned factory.
1, 全书共分四个部分:“我们的工作”、“我们的生活”、“做什么样的人”和“新工人文化的实践”。全书共十六章,由13名工友的生命故事、和作者在台资厂和德资厂的打工体验组成。

2, (Prelude) This book uses workers’ life stories to depict the comprehensive control of the Capital on laborers. It describes the realities and its representation. From her own epistemological perspective, the writer explains and analyzes how these laborers are manipulated by the logic of the Capital, as well as how they struggle helplessly, how they seek comfort, numb themselves and can’t find a way out. This book does not discuss cultural theories. It tries to present easy and accessible cultural analysis from some cultural phenomenon. The goal is to connect the daily life and work of these laborers with their personal happiness, group development and social advancement and progress. Only when this connection is made, can there be a way out for individuals and the society in whole. History and reality has taught us time and time again that no change is random. It is the result of interpersonal cooperation and shouldering social responsibility together. The cultural analysis of this book hopes to invoke more people to actively shoulder social responsibility. Cursing online, on Weibo or talking big is not shouldering social responsibility. The future of individuals and the society depends on: how do people choose their personal path and how do they practice their responsibility in their daily life and work, bit by bit.
2, 本书用工友的生命故事来描述资本对劳动者进行全面控制的现状和表现,从作者的认识角度来解释和分析劳动者是如何在资本的逻辑下被操纵、无奈挣扎、寻找安慰、麻痹自我和没有出路。本书不讨论文化理论的问题,而是从文化表象出发做一些浅显易懂的文化分析。目的是让劳动者把自己的日常生活和工作,与个人幸福、群体出路、社会的进步和发展连接起来,只有建立了这种联系,个体和社会才有出路。历史和现实一次次告诉我们,任何变化都不是自然而然发生的,而是人与人共同合作承担社会责任的结果。本书文化分析的期望就是唤起更多人去主动承担社会责任,在微博和网络上骂人或者夸夸其谈不是承担社会责任。个人和社会的未来取决于:人如何选择自己的人生道路并在日常生活和工作的点点滴滴中践行自己的责任。

2, This book hopes to describe a kind of new workers’ cultural state through some laborers’ life stories. When we don’t understand a group we generally tend to imagine them with judgment. One kind of imagination is that once we mention workers, we project the image of “We workers have strength” (a lyric from a song called Song of Oil Workers,1964). This is not necessarily representative of the real situation of new workers, because I have seen too many workers work in factories toiling like machines. After work they go to Internet cafes or watch Korean soap operas to numb themselves. Another projection is that the new generation of workers have a much stronger power awareness and civil awareness. Therefore they will actively fight for their rights in urban cities. This kind of imagination does not necessarily reflect workers’ status either.
2, 本书希望通过一些工友的生命故事来描述新工人的文化状态。在我们不了解一个群体的时候,我们往往会带着想像去判断。一种想像是,一提到工人,就带着“我们工人有力量”的想像。这不一定代表新工人的真实状态,因为我看到了太多的工人在车间里如同机器一样地劳作,下了班以后泡在网吧和韩剧中麻木自己;一种想像是,新生代的打工者比第一代打工者有了更强烈的权力意识和公民意识,会积极争取在城市的权力。这样的想像也不一定反映工人的状态。

3, The research and writing of this book lasted three years. Research started in June 2011 and the first draft was finished in December 2013. In June 2014 there were more changes on this book.

4, (Part of Chapter 1) The third definition of culture is its “social” dimension. Culture is a kind of overall lifestyle. This book uses Raymond Williams’ third definition of culture, which is, culture is a kind of overall lifestyle. It happens daily. It is individual as well as cultural. It could only be experienced by those who live at that certain time and in that certain place. Its content includes organization of production, family structure, the structure that shapes social relations and systems, the unique ways that its social members communicate. The key is their interrelation among these elements. Culture is the culture of its people. It is the experience of a wholesale lifestyle right here, right now.

4, 第三种是文化的‘社会’定义。文化是一种整体的生活方式。”本书采用的是威廉斯对文化的第三种定义,即:文化是一种整体的生活方式,是日常的,既是个体的更是社会的,是只有生活在那个时代和那个地方的人才能有的体验;其内容包括:“生产组织、家庭结构、表现或制约社会关系的制度的结构、社会成员借以交流的独特形式” ,最关键的是这些要素之间的相互作用;文化是人的文化,是人对生活在此时此地的整体生活方式的体验。

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