Monday, April 27, 2015

news and commentaires, 2015.04.27

She did her PhD at Beijing Normal University from 1987 to 1990, major in ethnic studies.  She has been a professor of sociology at Tsinghua since 2000.

There is a part of a series of Building Civil Society interviews uploaded by social activist Laohumiao 老虎庙 on youtube in 2011:
Transcription of part of the 19-minute interview:
China’s situation is like this: the state power is very strong, the market is also very open, and basically the market economy is set up. But the special characteristics of China is that the relationship between the State and the market is very close. For a relatively normal or healthy society, there should be separation among the state, market and society - they should be three independent pillars. There should be compliment and balance among the three. However, over so many years I feel the space for society in China is very small. It is oppressed by power. And it is occupied by the combination of power and market. The society has never really grown. So we hope to look for the growing point during China’s transition time.

The myth of this system (communist ideology) is that this so-called “grand socialist ideal” and “beautiful communist blueprint” seems to have nothing to do with farmers. Let alone farmers, even most of the intellectuals can’t really acknowledge it. Except a few founders of the Communist Party, what does this has anything to do with most people? From this perspective, this set of ideology can’t be successful. However, in reality it has influenced many people. So many people struggle, sacrifice and contribute to it. Therefore it is worthwhile to study how come it has mobilized so many people and come into so many people’s hearts and minds and changed their lives and social relations, or even changed their spiritual worlds. This is what we need to understand and analyze.

For example, for some contemporary labor research, some scholars blame neo-liberalism. they believe Chinese laborers are the worst in the world and the root of the problem is neoliberalist capital globalization. I would first like to ask, where is China’s liberalism? There is no liberalism in China, why do they criticize neo-liberalism? The origin of China’s labor problem is social inequality due to the power of the state. Of course there is influence from global capitalism, but it is not the direct reason. Looking all over the world, there is no other place where their capitalists could exploit their laborers like their Chinese counterparts. Besides, after being exploited, workers from other countries could fight back or strike, but could Chinese workers do this? Once there is strike it is going to be harmonized by the government. This is Chinese characteristics.

Based on our understanding of the common sense, the “universal value” is the common value and civilization accumulated throughout the long history of human progress, generally includes liberty, democracy, science, human rights, rule of law, equality and fraternity. It is not difficult to understand for most people. To spell it out more, it is the value everyone needs and everyone likes. Some people could put it more extremely and says it is something even the thugs can’t deny publicly. Right, if it is something that even thugs acknowledges and abides by, do we still need to discuss it? Denouncing universal value basically means announcing: I am unreasonable.

Therefore, no matter how steady forwardly Chinese people strive to keep their “characteristics” and how strongly they object Western modernity and want to form their own modernity, therefore venturing a path that is superior to the West, to realize the great reunification of the Chinese nation, they can’t do this based against the principle of universal value. They also can’t object the mainstream of civilization, unless they are a bunch of thugs who don’t know what is right or wrong, what is black or white.

This was the first time that the State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Televi
sion issued a written warning to the liberal magazine, criticizing them for publishing several articles that were against the rules and regulations. General chief editor Mr. Yang Jisheng was also asked to leave the editorial board.

AP reports that there is 34% more civil servants resigned this year compared to the same period in last year. Spokesperson of Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security says there are some civil servants who have resigned but it is normal mobility of human resources.

Monday, April 20, 2015

News and Commentaries, 2015-04-20

There is an obvious problem in the countryside that the elderly in the countryside have no one to be taken care of or depended on. A while ago there was an extreme piece of news about the problem of the elderly in the countryside. The son returned to the countryside from his city job. A couple of days later he didn’t discover any prospect of the father’s dying. He asked: “Are you going to die or not? I just have 7 days off, including the time for your funeral.” Afterwards the father committed suicide. The son finished the funeral within a week and went back to his work in the city.

From People’s Daily
There have been over three decades of war-free time in China, could the people’s military remain fearless? The answer might be negative. In military training, in terms of ideology education, there should be the “air of hegemony”, in military training there should be rich courage, and during rehearsal there should be the “murderous look”.


Thursday, April 16, 2015

News and Commentaries, 2015-04-16


Cheng Li is director of the John L. Thornton China Center and a senior fellow in the Foreign Policy program at Brookings. He is also a director of the National Committee on U.S.-China Relations.

1, Fairly speaking, in the recent a couple of years of President Xi’s policies, many of the things he has done are conducted under unimaginable circumstances, no matter in market reform, legal construction, anti-corruption or military reform that is currently under construction. In terms of international relations, he has also done a lot and he has never gone too far. Therefore I think, so far he has mastered the general trend pretty well. Of course, in terms of consolidating his personal power and the decision-making process some people think he he is too authoritarian - this deserves further discussion.
1,公正地来看,在习主席最近两三年的政策当中,他做的很多事情都是在别人无法想象的情况下推出来的,不论是市场化改革、法治建设、 反腐败,还是正在拟议中的对军队的改革。而在国际关系方面,他做了很多,并且没有走过头。所以我觉得,从目前来讲,大方向的把握是对的。当然,在巩固个人权力和决策的过程中,有人认为权力太集中了,这些都是值得商榷的。

2, As the supreme leader, ultimately Xi Jinping needs a more systematic way to consolidate his power and gain a renewed recognition and legitimacy. To achieve this, the key is to make a decision for China’s political system at the 19th Party’s Congress. As a powerful leader, Xi Jinping has many political resources. If he could bring China to a politically civilized country, he could leave his political legacy and be acknowledged by history. I have good hope for this.

3, Wang Qishan is definitely a man of ideas, and meanwhile a man of action within the Party. CCP must have considered the process of systematic anti-corruption. Wang Qishan has many friends from outside of China and his earlier experiences make him well aware of international affairs. Actually, many of the descendents of this generation of leaders have received education in the West. Some of them even have worked in Western society. Therefore, based on their more solid understanding of the outside world, they could have better ideas to change China. There are many problems in the West and the biggest problem for the West is that they don’t want to learn from others. Wang Qishan is a promoter of rule of law. I personally believe in January and February 2017 there will be more major shift. For example, there will be more efforts to build the society based on rule of law.
3, 王岐山显然是一个有想法的人,同时也是党内的一个行动派,中共在反腐的制度性建设方面应该是有考虑的。王岐山有很多海外的朋友,他的早期经历使得他对国际事务比较了解。实际上,这一代中共领导人的后代很多都在西方受过教育,甚至可能在西方社会工作过,他们会在对外部世界有较多了解的基础上,想办法来更好地改变中国。西方目前出现了很多问题,西方的问题恰恰就在于不想学习别人。王岐山是依法治国的推动者。我个人觉得,到2017年的一、二月份会有更多的重心转移,例如会更加大力地搞法治建设。

6, The categorization of generations of leaders is political. The concept of “fifth generation of leaders” is largely promoted by scholars from overseas. Meanwhile, I would like to define this generation of leaders as the “generation of youth sent to the countryside”. We could see that this generation of leaders are adventurous. They are well-experienced. You can’t cheat or blackmail them. From the outside world, you can only reason and prove yourself with your true power. Only when these two conditions are met at the same time, can there be convincing results. Therefore, in the international sphere, it is futile for the West to deal with this generation of Chinese leaders with old tricks.  
6, 领导人的代际划分是政治性的。“第五代领导人”这个概念的建立,海外的学者起了很大的作用。同时,我也同意把这一代定义为“知青一代”。我们可以看到,这一代人是有冒险精神的,是曾经沧海的一代,你骗不了他们、讹诈不了他们,对外界来说,你只能用很多道理,再加上自己的实力——这两方面都具备了,才能对他们有说服力。所以,在国际上,要想用以前那一套方式去和中国这一代人领导人打交道,是不灵的。

7, The generation of youth sent to the countryside embody lots of contradictions, which to certain degree could make them become a very excellent and capable generation of leaders in Chinese history. On the other hand, in terms of knowledge structure and worldview, they might also be a very twisted generation. These elements shape their very complicated characteristics.

8, However, as an individual, Xi Jinping is smart because he could break through the huge gap in Chinese society and make himself a widely accepted leader, which is very incredible.
8, 但习近平作为个人,他有智慧的地方就在于,能够突破中国社会的分离感,让自己成为被广泛接受的领导人,这是了不起的。

9, In a few decades, the leaders of China and US might be classmates or schoolmates - this is a very positive vision. The weakness of the future generation of Chinese leaders might be that they lack integration and understanding with the grassroot. They may construct society based on a sheltered view and wishful thinking.
9, 再过几十年,中美两国的领导人可能就是同学——这是一个乐观的愿景。未来的中国政治领袖可能具有的弱点就在于,他们可能缺乏与草根的结合与理解,就对整个社会指手画脚。

Wu Ge is a popular commentator and journalist. He has had some scandal with popular writer Liang Xiaosheng because of an article Liang wrote, which Wu claimed untruthful. Liang is a popular author who writes a lot about youth sent to the countryside. He was also mentioned by China Speaks on March 30/31, 2015.

1, Many people’s online comments about “mixing academics and politics” actually means “trade between power and academic achievement” - for example, some government officials hurry a part-time PhD to get faster promotion. Or some leaders in university disturb the normal academic ecology based on their power on academic resources and position on academic evaluation. This kind of mingling between academics and politics is definitely wrong and needs to be stopped. But what the hell does it have anything to do with academics go to politics?
1, 很多网友“学术与政治搅合在一起”的评论的真实意思应该是“权学交易”——比如,政府官员为了让自己“快快进步”而去读一个在职博士,或者是大学管理者由于掌握学术资源分配和学术评价的权力,干涉正常的学术生态。这些学术与政治“勾结”的糟粕自然是不对的,是要坚决抵制的。但是,这和学者从政有个毛关系?

2, Whether university professors, directors or secretary generals could go to politics or not has nothing to do with the depoliticalization of universities or trade between politics and academic achievement.

3, Along with technological and economic development, the modern social management and state governance is much more complicated than before. In terms of providing public service and conducting public management policies, those who have always been in government management might have some shortcoming because they only pay attention to their current affairs and lack a general long-term horizon. Meanwhile they might lack cutting-edge knowledge and skill on relevant fields. It is because of this very kind of problem that those real professional experts could fill in the gap with their expertise to better manage some difficulties.
3, 随着技术和经济社会的发展,现代的国家和社会治理已经比以前复杂得多。在提供公共服务和进行公共治理方面,长期从事政府管理工作的人往往会有一些短板,那就是只专注于眼前的事务性工作,而缺乏全局性的视野,同时也对相关领域的前沿性知识和技术了解不足。而在这样的情况下,那些货真价实的专家学者则可以用专业知识弥补这一短板,更好地处理本领域的公共管理难题。

4, Besides expertise, another good point for academics to go to politics is that it contributes to the diversity of government officials. It is not to say that government job is the best, and everyone should try to nudge into the political sphere. It is rather that when there is not a diversity of personnel in a system, there will be many disadvantages and problems in this system. When a country’s governance is diversified, and the government system is open but not closed; when it embraces people from different backgrounds, in management and professional field or both, this society is a more dynamic society, it will be a well-managed society.
4, 在专业性之外,学者从政的另一个好处则在于扩大了政府官员的来源和多元性——这并不是说政府是本位,是最好去处,人人都为了去当官而挤破脑袋。而是说,当一个体制中人员的多样性无法保证的时候,这个体制就会逐渐产生出自我繁殖的种种劣性。当一个国家的社会治理是多元共治的,政府体系是开放而不封闭的,是热烈欢迎来自不同背景的、具有管理才能或专业知识或二者兼具之人才加入的,那么这个社会就会是有活力,就会是一个良好治理的社会。

Cai Xia: Professor at Party’s Construction Research Institute of CPC Party School

1, Life in the military was very “Puritan” - constraints on each level is extremely severe. We all voluntarily abided by the male and female rules. Generally no one dared to bring up the topic of relationships or marriage. For a long time we were used to that kind of atmosphere, suddenly right after you got married your expected time of pregnancy is broadcast on the public wall by the organization. It felt like I was striped naked in the public eye. That kind of strong shame and embarrassment was difficult to avoid. For a long time I lowered my head when I walked and didn’t dare to look at any one.
1, 军队生活很像“清教徒”,各方面管束极为严格,我们都自觉遵守男女大防礼数,平时谁都不好意思把感情婚姻作为话题。本来一直习惯于那样的氛围,现在刚一结婚居然就被组织把批准拟怀孕拟生育的时间都放上墙公布,当时的感觉就好像众目睽睽之下被扒光了衣服,那种强烈的羞辱感难以抹去,相当一段时间里走路低着头不敢看人。

2, In the beginning of 1980s there were over 2400 workers in my factory. Among them there were about 400 women factory workers and 80% of them were physically suitable for giving birth. The upper level had very strict implementation of family planning work. Not only unplanned birth was forbidden, even unplanned pregnancy was considered a misconduct. Therefore there were two officers in the family planning office and their major work was to detect any potential unplanned pregnancy. Once they detected any problem they would persuade female workers to have an abortion. How could they detect unplanned pregnancy timely and also timely persuade them to have an abortion? They started with taking care of each female worker’s menstrual cycle.
2, 1980年代初,我们厂有职工2400多名,其中女工大约400多人,80%处于生育适龄阶段。上级对计划生育工作考核极为严格,不仅不能超计划生育,甚至连计划外怀孕也视为工作失误。为此,厂计划生育办公室配有两名干事,她们的主要任务是发现计划外怀孕的疑点,一旦出现问题及时动员怀孕女工做人流。如何才能及时发现计划外怀孕的女工,动员她们尽早作人工流产,以从源头上就堵住超计划生育呢?这只能从掌握每个女工的生理周期作起。

3, Women’s menstrual cycle is highly personal and private, how could the family planning office fully manage the situation? This meant we offered our detailed “care” to each female worker. We particularly allocated some fund for women’s “welfare” - during their menstrual cycle they could go to the family planning office to get two free packages of pads. This was a basic way to set calendar of each woman’s menstrual cycle.

4,There was a particular process to get those pads: female workers must take off their underwear and two female officers would examine “redness” on their underwear before they gave out pads and asked them to sign. To ensure the successful procedure, there was a suite for each family planning office. For those older women who were more thick-skinned, they were very cooperative and just wanted to get the pads. They alway easily took off their underwear to prove their “true identity”.

5, Now looking back, when those female workers were taking off their underwear, they had zero right to privacy. We also didn’t have any awareness to protect people’s personal privacy or invading any personal honor. To the opposite, not only were we praised by our factory leaders for being responsible at our work, but our experience was promoted and copied by others.

Friday, April 10, 2015

News and Commentaries, 15-04-10

Langfang is a city in Hebei province, adjacent to the south tip of Beijing. Last June Smog is Coming written by deputy director of the Langfang’s Environmental Protection Bureau Li Chunyuan was published over 10,000 copies. Yesterday the Writers’ Press reprinted another 8000 copies. Li says this is a fiction but based on reality. He says he has changed or used letters to replace certain names but still receives phone calls from colleagues complaining that he has revealed too many details. Some officials in Environmental Protection departments consider this book a “Work Guideline”; some readers consider it a reference to fight against smog; some environmental protection companies consider it a guideline to develop new products. Li says Smog is Coming is not the end, and his second book on environmental protection is “on its way”. He may also write a trilogy, or even 4, or 5 related volumes.

I came across an excerpt of this long essay of memories and critiques written by lieutenant Liu Yazhou. It was originally published by Ming Pao, but I couldn’t find the original link. I have copied the whole article on my Google Drive from someone’s blog, in case this Sina blog entry be deleted in the future.

Reflecting on the drama of CCTV host Bi Fujian’s misfortune because of his joke on Mao Zedong, Liu Yazhou seems indeed interesting and important, particularly because his background.

Here is a good long intro of Liu Yazhou published on Jamestown. I have copied and pasted the first 3 paragraphs:

Liu Yazhou, a 53 year-old PLA general, (Liu was born in 1952 - ZX’s note) erstwhile novelist, and rising political star, has published a series of frequent and provocative essays in China over the last few years to considerable acclaim—and controversy. In a regime where political expression is strictly limited, and where discussion of political issues may be construed as “revealing state secrets,” for someone to speak with establishment credentials and without censorship can be a startling indication of policy discussion and change.
Liu’s essays violate many taboos and restrictions, covering a wide range of topics such as strategy, geopolitics, the nature of war and conflict, and China’s relations with Taiwan, Japan, and the United States. His underlying theme is unvarnished distress with corruption and conformity, and a plea for accelerated political reform to remedy China’s ills. While laced with reverent quotations from top Chinese leaders, Liu’s writings can be construed as indirect and direct criticisms of their policies. These arguments have dazzled as well as upset his readers; supporters praise his boldness and insight, and detractors condemn his alleged militarism and demagoguery.
A son-in-law of the late Chinese president Li Xiannian, Liu is a “princeling” (privileged offspring of a high official) who was promoted quickly and is now Deputy Political Commissar and a Lieutenant General in the PLA Air Force. He has traveled extensively overseas, including a term as a visiting professor at Stanford University, and is one of the few PLA officials to have visited Taiwan.

1, Father-in-law (Li Xiannian) used to say: “Chairman Mao is perfect but he did one thing wrong: he agreed to give Mongolia out.” I would always remember father-in-law’s words. For a strong and powerful country, it firstly needs to have a gigantic coverage. Your forefathers had built up the legacy, but the descendents were not successful at keeping it, but rather lost a huge deal.
1, 岳父曾道:“毛主席什么都好,只有一件事做得不对:同意把外蒙古割出去。”我永远记住了岳父的话。一个国家强大,首先要有辽阔的版图。祖宗挣下这份家业,子孙没出息,守成不足,败家有余。

2, Throughout his lifetime Mao Zedong was very dedicated to anti-feudalism. However, he himself was deep in the mud of feudalism and didn’t know how to get out. He even expanded this muddy business. He was sick. Sick of what disease? The “Eastern disease”, or “Asian disease”. The fundamental characteristic of “Asian disease” is authoritarianism. Its reflection on leaders is lifelong tenure and hereditarianism. As long as the leader can still breathe, he will hold his power until the end of his life.
2, 毛泽东一生以反封建为己任,结果自己深陷在封建的泥淖中不能自救。他甚至扩大了这泥淖。他是有病的。什么病?“东方病”,又叫“亚洲病”。

3, The root of all problem is not because of the dictator, but because of the people. Certain kind of people will choose certain kind of system. Certain kind of system will also nurture certain kind of people.

4, Today’s Beijing is like a little businessman with gold inlay teeth, though shiny, but utterly uncultured.
4, 今天北京整个城市就像满嘴镶了金牙的小商人,虽然金光闪闪,但一脸的没文化。

5, Once (during the Great Famine), Mao Zedong asked father-in-law to dance. Father-in-law signed, “such good people”. Upon hearing this, Mao Zedong was stunned, “Why do you say so?” Father-in-law said: “Ask these girls to take off their shoes.” Mao Zedong said, “Do what deputy premier told you.” So all the girls took off their shoes and their feet were all swollen. There was a dent once you press there and it took a while for it to come back. Mao Zedong’s face sank and said, “Don’t come to dance anymore.” All the girls said, “We all want to come.” Mao Zedong said, “why?” Girls answered: “If we come to dance, at least we get a meal.”
5, 一次,毛泽东拉岳父陪跳。岳父忍不住叹息:“多好的人民啊。”毛泽东听到后一怔:“为什么?”岳父说:“你叫姑娘们把鞋都脱下来。”毛泽东道:“按李先念副总理的圣旨办。”姑娘们脱下鞋,脚都浮肿了。一按一个坑,半天起不来。毛泽东黯然,说:“以后你们都别来跳舞了。”姑娘们却说:“我们都想来。”毛泽东问:“为什么?”姑娘们答:“来跳舞,至少管一顿饭。”

6,#15 Doufuchi Hutong used to be the house for Yang Kaihui’s father and Mao Zedong lived there before when he was young. When his overweight body crossed that big door, he crossed in history as well. Over 60 years ago it must have occurred when someone asked “Is Mao Zedong home?” Mao Zedong at that time was a dumb boy with heavy Hunan accent. He was still a small tree that couldn’t stand out in the forest; he was a little drill that couldn’t breakthrough a pocket. When he came to Beijing to study, he was not good; when he wanted to find work, he was not good. Professors looked down upon him and fellow students made fun of him. Mao Zedong didn’t like intellectuals throughout his life. He said: “the more knowledge people have the more they want to revolt”. During the Cultural Revolution, what intellectuals endured was worse than any time in history. Mao Zedong’s resentment towards intellectuals were seeded during that time in Beijing.
6, 豆腐池胡同15号原是杨开慧父亲的故居,毛泽东年轻时曾在此居住。胖胖走近那扇斑驳的大门,于是也走进历史,叩门:“毛泽东在家吗?”一个多甲子前,此情景必然发生过。那时的毛泽东,是个满口湖南话的愣头小伙子。是木,不秀于林;是锥,未刺破口袋。他来到北京求学,学不成;谋事,事不就。教授们看不起他,同学们揶揄他。毛泽东一生不满知识分子,说:“知识越多越反动。”“文化大革命”中,知识分子遭受的摧残超过历代王朝。毛泽东心中不满的种子就是当时在北京种下的。

Thursday, April 9, 2015

News and Commentaires, 15-04-09

Zhu Suli is a professor at Peking University Law School

This is a speech professor Zhu given in late March organized by CITIC Press Group and Renmin University. It is the first speech in “CITIC Lecture, China’s Paths Series”. Professor Zhu discussed his simplified definition of rule of law, why China’s social transformation needs rule of law and some problems faced with rule of law. (The theme is not the most original, but I appreciate Professor Zhu’s accessible way of lecturing, and his pragmatic view that rule of law is primarily beneficial, if not instrumental to China’s economic development. Of course, reflecting on the current wave of feminist enlightenment, Professor Zhu might be another patient of “straight man cancer” - a typical patriarchal male intellectual - he justifies the idea that daughters in the countryside are not entitled for inheritance because they are given dawdry when they got married and they don’t take care of their parents after they marry.)

Some of his quotes:
1, However, in terms of rule of law, in my view, it is an orderly way of life in society. In the words that Chinese people are most used to, it is rules. There should be rules everywhere.
1, 但法治,在我看来,是整个社会有序的生活状态。用中国人最习惯的话讲,就是有规矩,方方面面都要有规矩。

2, (About the issue of food and drug safety, it requires more sophisticated and strict rule of law). However, we need to have a more realistic and deeper understanding of this issue. Many people think that this problem is because Chinese people are morally corrupted and there is a general moral decay. I think this judgment is wrong. In my view, Chinese people’s morality hasn’t changed much. The problem is that before the majority of Chinese people lived in small circles where there was enough pressure on people’s morality and emotion from the community’s opinions. However, there is huge revolution on China’s society today. We face a much larger group that is constituted by a huge number of strangers. Our previous sense of morality can’t guide us powerfully through this gigantic market. Human beings lived in small groups in the beginning everywhere in the world, no matter in the gather hunting period or farming period. We felt natural responsibility towards our family. However, when there are consumers from far away who are completely strangers, we can’t invoke this natural sense of responsibility. This is a characteristic, not necessarily a weakness, though there is lots of flaws because of this in market economy.

3, The complete rule of law is indeed a necessity in Chinese society. From this perspective, this is a political decision, but not just due to political consideration, but rather a political judgment based on the change of mode of production in China’s economy, change of social management and social transformation. It is a political decision based on concrete problems China is facing. It is not that rule of law is holy and grand so we should have the complete rule of law. It is simply that if they want to manage China well, they have to deal with this problem. This rule of law is actually a functional requirement for market economy. It is a requirement for social transformation. The whole general public needs the society to be of rule of law and to be more orderly.
3, 全面依法治国确实是中国社会发展的必须。从这一点看,这是一个政治性的决定,却又不只是出于政治的考量,而是基于中国经济生产方式转变、社会治理方式转变、社会转型做出的一个政治性判断,是针对中国的具体问题做出的政治性的决定。不是说法治很高大上,所以我们要全面法治,而是说,只要想把中国治好,就必须要解决这个问题。这个法治是市场经济的功能要求,是整个社会转型的要求。全体民众都需要社会更加法治,更加有序。

1, In the afternoon of April 8th, Mr. Qiu Yong, director of Tsinghua University met up with Chief Editor of People’s Daily Mr. Li Baoshan. They communicated on ideas to construct Tsinghua University’s School of Journalism and Broadcasting.

2, Li Baoshan reviewed the cooperation between People’s Daily and Tsinghua University. He said that this time seven members from People’s Daily were assigned to Tsinghua to give lectures. They discussed many issues including internal and external broadcast, traditional and emerging media, and media integration.
2, 李宝善回顾了人民日报社与清华大学合作的情况。他说,此次人民日报社派出7位社领导组成的授课团队,从对内、对外宣传,传统媒体与新兴媒体,媒体融合等多方面讲授课程。

3, After the meeting, Li Baoshan gave a lecture to students from Tsinghua Journalism and Broadcasting School on “Marxist Views of News and the Party’s Journalism Guideline”. This lecture is the first one of the course Marxist Views of News.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

News and Commentaries, 15-04-08

Famous CCTV host of an entertainment program Bi Fujian made a joke at a private dinner table on Mao Zedong. In this one minute audio of him adapting a popular excerpt from a well known piece of Peking Opera, what he said about Mao Zedong was “don’t mention that old f*** anymore, he had really screwed us hard”. The new director of CCTV ordered a temporary hold of his show.

An article from Gongshiwang that has attracted more than 10,000 hits after a day writes:

We could see from a deeper level that people like Old Bi all behave like this. Those sacked corrupted officials are also like this - they behave one way in front of you and another way behind your back. All those officials are the same, they all behave differently due to different situations and they all have split personalities.Therefore it brings out the understanding crisis and trust crisis in this society. We need to reflect on who do we trust in this society. Our political ideology has been this way - it has made people have split characters.

Bao Pengshan: 鲍鹏山 is allegedly a professor at Shanghai Open University (couldn’t find his name from the University website - its system is not the most well-organized). He is a lecturer at CCTV’s popular TV program Lecture Room (百家讲坛). He also contributes to the China Confucius Foundation.

1, For a cultured person, you will find that his life force is very strong. He is not cold, but is filled with passion and compassion. His perspective on this world is full of love and poeticness.

2, But today, we could see that in our education from primary school, middle school to university, mostly students are only taught of knowledge, technology and skills, but there is just no culture. We have nurtured many sophisticated egoists, and many well-educated savage. They are very cold.

3, I have written an article titled Be Careful of Knowledge. The main idea is that we can’t master unlimited knowledge within our limited lifespan. What’s more tragic is that boring knowledge will just make one’s life more boring; fragmented knowledge will make people more fragmented, or even obscene.
3, 我曾写过一篇文章,题目是《警惕知识》。主要观点就是,我们的生命本来就不可能占有无限的知识。更可悲的是,无聊的知识会让人生变得无聊,琐碎的知识会让人格变得琐碎,甚至猥琐。

4, A problem in Chinese society today is that people lack a good sense of judgment. A problem of education in China is that people lack cultured nurturing. For example, to boycott Japanese products, many young people go on the street to smash their compatriots’ cars or even harm their compatriots’ bodies. They are hot blooded and think they are being patriotic, but actually they are damaging the country.
4, 今天中国社会的一个问题,就是缺乏判断力。中国教育的一个问题,就是缺乏文化素养。比如,为了抵制日货,很多年轻人走到大街上砸同胞的车,甚至伤害同胞的身体。他们带着一腔热血,以为在爱国,但实际上却是在“碍国”。

5, How come a well-intentioned and patriotic person will do things that would disturb the country and damage the image of Chinese people? What do they lack? Consciousness. Knowledge is power indeed. But I would like to tell people that consciousness is the direction. We often say that we will get beaten if we lag behind. But I would like to say that savageness invites invasion.
5, 为什么一个带着良好爱国热情的人,会去做妨碍国家、损伤中国人形象的事?他们缺少的是什么呢?良知。知识就是力量,但我要告诉大家,良知才是方向。我们常常说落后就要挨打,我还要告诉大家,野蛮也会招打。



Wednesday, April 1, 2015

News and commentaries, 15-03-30/31

Fang Gang 方刚 is an assistant professor of applied psychology at the Psychology Department of Beijing Forestry University Social Sciences Institute. This is taken from an interview with him from Gongshiwang.

1, Among schools and universities which have sex education, what I have come across most is education about preserving chastity. They have never discussed any positive information about sex or sexual safety. They only talk about how awful and horrible sex is, or how to prevent sexual harassment. Young people growing up with this kind of education will come across many problems in intimate relationships.

2 , When discussing sexual violation and sexual harassment, it is important to tell children that life is most important. We can’t tell young people generation after generation to fight against sexual harassment to death. The so-called chastity is not all that important compared to life itself. We can just view the power of chastity and the power of sex as part of the power of our body.

3, A very important part of good sex education is gender education. After being sexually harassed, the right guidance to the victim should be: first, you didn’t do anything wrong. Victims from sexual harassment can’t be condemned. Second, you are still the same person - you didn’t lose anything. The damage conducted on sexual organs is the same kind of damage on other parts of the body. Don’t stress on how influential it is going to be for victims of sexual harassment. This kind of value system will be really helpful towards victims. If we keep advocating the value of purity equals virginity, it will just put more damage on their future.

4, I think there is still a long way to go in terms of sexual education. The absolute gender equality is still unattainable. This is a process of cultural transformation. Men’s roles on fighting gender discrimination is very important. It is always women who are fighting for their rights. Those men who occupy half of the population don’t do anything or even object women’s fight for freedom. How can this be?

1, In the beginning of 2015 a group of middle-aged women were caught taking drugs together. It is reported that this group of housewives are all long-term friends. Since April 2014 they started to gather at places like KTV to take drugs together. Each time it would cost them around 4000 to 5000 RMB. These housewives have some financial power and some of them even have luxurious cars.
1, 报道称这些大妈们彼此都是多年好友,基本上都是家庭妇女。自2014年4月以来,她们频繁的聚集在KTV等场所一起吸毒,每次吸毒费用达4000元到5000元人民币。这些妇女具有一定的经济实力,其中一些还拥有奔驰跑车。

2, These housewives say that their daily lives are very mundane. They would either take care of their grandchildren, play mahjong or go to the beauty salons. Taking drugs is a way for them to have some fun and fill in the void of life.   
3, Housewives also have a wechat group called “incredibly blissful”. To make sure their family members don’t find out about their gathering, they refer taking drugs as “hosting sports meetings”.
3, 大妈们还组建了微信群并取名“爽歪歪”。为了不让家人知道每次召集聚会都会在微信上用 “开运动会”等字眼来打掩护。

This is an interview with famous write Liang Xiaosheng conducted by Mishu Gongzuo (The Secretary’s Work), and forwarded by The Paper.

First of all, Mishu Gongzuo seems like an interesting publication. On its homepage it says over 1 million people read it on Wechat.

Introduction of Mishu Gongzuo:
Mishu Gongzuo is a national publication that is authorized by CCP’s Central Office and National Publishing Department. It is organized by the Bureau of Secretary in CCP’s Central Office. It was founded in July 1985 and was changed to monthly publication in 1991. In 2014 its monthly distribution was 285,000 copies, with more than a million of actual readers. Under the correct guidance of CCP’s Central Office and the Bureau of Secretary, Mishu Gongzuo follows the guideline of serving for all the Party and military organizations, as well as corporations and work units. It maintains its organic balance of being authoritative, thoughtful, guiding and readable. It is the most widely distributed and most influential periodical of its kind.
“《秘书工作》是经中共中央办公厅和国家新闻出版部门批准,由中共中央办公厅秘书局主管的全国性刊物。杂志创办于1985年7月, 1991年改为月刊,2014年月发行量为28.5万份,实际读者逾百万。在中央办公厅及中办秘书局的正确领导下,《秘书工作》坚持为全国党政军群机关以及企事业单位服务的办刊宗旨,始终坚持权威性与思想性、指导性与可读性的有机统一,成为国内发行量最大、影响力最强的办公厅(室)工作类期刊。”

(This interview with Liang Xiaosheng was partially about his short encounter with Xi Jinping at the Cultural and Art Work Conference last October. What is interesting is the whole interview seems like sole praise for Xi Jinping and his great policies and its implementations) Here is a quote:

Actually, the first sentence Secretary General Xi said to me was: “Xiaosheng, I am different from those intellectual youth described in your books”. I was firstly shocked. And then Secretary General Xi continued: “I personally think the more pressure you have, the stronger your will will be. I think the “different” he meant was because of the sentence he said later. For people in our generation, some people have great political burden and it had scared them. For a lot of them, even after they came back to the city, they were still under the shadow from that time. Secretary General is not like that. He stresses that people need to come out from different kinds of suffering. They will get stronger spiritually and emotionally. After he said that, Wang Anyi (another famous writer) who was next to me said: “Xiaosheng is the same like you”. General Secretary laughed. I also had to say something, so I said: “I think you are the person with two hometowns. Books are your second hometown”. And then Secretary General said that famous sentence: “ I hope artists could create spiritual hometown for more youth”. This is actually the meaning and value for all literature and artistic work.